Was the War on Poverty too Ambitious (Part I)


STIR-War-On-Poverty-Wallpaper-Poste (1)Can the War on Poverty be won in America?  That depends on how you define what victory looks like.   If you are the eternal optimist that presumes somehow our government or the free-market or church and private organizations will eliminate poverty during our lifetime and one day relegate it to a history museum, then you may be sorely disappointed. That does not mean that we should wave the white flag and surrender the fight against poverty.  Nevertheless, we need to step back and gain a wide-angle view of the interwoven web of multiple moral, social, and economic issues that perpetuate poverty.   Poverty is much too complex of an enemy than “pundits” compel us to believe.  It is much more than “a lack of money, period” as left-wing social commentators Cornel West and Tavis Smily have passionately declared in their poverty manifesto. And so much more than a series of bad choices and habits by the poor as Christian financial guru Dave Ramsey recently insinuated in his “20 things the rich do everyday” article.  Such sweeping generalizations and simplistic solutions do not paint a realistic portrait of 21st century poverty in America, but rather reinforce the tired old stereotypes within political debates between the left and right that dominate traditional and social media.    

Nonetheless, my purpose for writing this particular post is not to explore in detail each cause of poverty, but rather bring to light the multiplicity of poverty to bring us back to the question: Was the war on poverty too ambitious and too optimistic?  Did our progressive elders put all of their social change eggs in the government basket, believing that large-scale interventions totaling trillions of dollars could, for instance, prevent or counter the colossal phenomenon of the breakdown of the traditional family, a major contributor to poverty?    Studies show when fathers are no longer present in the home, it results in the increasing number of children growing up in poverty.  But that’s not all. Without a father, more teenagers end up dropping out of school,  more teenage girls get pregnant, and more teen boys get locked up, all of which lead to even more poverty!  All the money in the world cannot fix the broken relationships that correspond with the disintegration of the family.  

Ironically many of my progressive friends and fellow poverty-fighters, especially those who are post-modern, post-9/11, post-baby boom, post-industrial, post-Christian, post-war, seem to give a free pass to the high-modernist ideology that assumes the all-encompassing proficiency of the state to harness all of its available power, redistribute financial resources and create a plethora of social programs that will result in the eradication of poverty.    The past century is littered with the unintended consequences of failed schemes from ambitious governments (including our own) who presumed that their central planning, knowledge, technology, and ideology could create a grand utopian society.  But then again, as a Bible-believing Christian, I am confronted with a certain verse in Scripture (Duet 15:4) that seems to advocate the ideal of poverty eradication, “there need be no poor among you……” Or does it?   More to come next week with part II with “Was the War on Poverty too Ambitious?”




America’s War on Poverty: Introduction

36-lyndon_johnson_14x182014 marks fifty years since Lyndon Johnson officially declared War on Poverty in America.  Its goal to end poverty by addressing social/economic issues such as housing, education, healthcare, and job creation.     Being as it is the fifty year anniversary,  many politicians are attacking or defending this massive undertaking that has cost tax payers many trillions of dollars over the long haul as either a dismal failure or moderate success, depending on whether you lean right or left on the political spectrum.     Sadly, most politicians and political journalists do not possess the gift of nuance and civility, but rather create straw men, red herring, and ad hominem arguments, designed to arouse the passions of its constituents. And sadly,  many people prefer the club-wielding verbal assault over the olive branches of a civil discourse.  The language of public debate where ideas are passionately presented, tested, and given thoughtful consideration is all but lost.  In its place, nasty caustic attacks litter social media and online media sites as well as the smorgasbord of intentionally biased news outlets that one can find on cable TV.

That being said, conversations about the War on Poverty in America must take place.  Currently, around 50 million Americans live in poverty and approximately 20 trillion dollars of government dollars have gone to fight the war on poverty during the past fifty years.  Since 2014 marks the fiftieth anniversary with America’s war on poverty, and because I have devoted over 20 years of my life to serving the urban poor in my neighborhood, I’ve decided to write several blog posts during the year of 2014 and reflect on America’s War on Poverty.  Just so you know, my Christian worldview and my two decades of poverty-fighting experience informs my beliefs and ideas on this controversial subject.  I invite you to wade into this important conversation  even if you hold entirely different religious, social, economic, and political beliefs than me.  Although I am passionate about what I believe, I promise that these conversations will be civil because my faith in Jesus compels me to love those who are vastly different than me.



